Feminist Digital History Workshop
APRIL 2025
The aim of this Feminist Digital History Workshop is to bring together historians and Higher Degree by Research candidates who use digital history methods with practitioners who curate digital archives and digital collections that support research in feminist, gender, and women’s history.
Workshop themes include: ​
The benefits, gaps, and silences of digital history; ​
Methodological issues in using digital archives; ​
Doing digital archiving, expanding digital collections, and using open access; ​
Histories of digital archives and digital collecting; ​
Feminist histories, new media, and digital media; ​
Digital humanities and digital mapping; and ​
Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums (GLAM) professional perspectives.

To be confirmed in early-2025
Image Credit: A page from the Cauldron Hall Collective's Feminism Book | First Ten Years of Sydney Women's Liberation Collection | MLMSS 9782 | Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW